In the last days of August, the PV Shipyard youth organized volunteer activities with the theme “A drop of blood – Million hearts”. Wishing to support the central blood bank, the youth union urged those who donate blood and know their blood types to join the blood donation for human saving, followed by calling the other agencies and organizations to coordinate the implementation.
This activity was very successfuly organized participants and 111 units of blood received. In addition, the organization union has received both material and support from PV Shipyard Trade Union, PV Shipyard veteran organization, the enthusiastic participation from youth union of PetroVietNam Offshore Service (PTSC POS), the management board of Lighthouse volunteer group.

According the doctors from Central Institute for blood transfusion, each unit of blood is a valuable gift with each patient, especially in the current urgent situation

The brilliant smile during the event.
Following the success of volunteer blood donation activity, the PV Shipyard Trade – Union organized the “Garbage collection – cleaning up beach on 13 Sep 2015. With the participation of more than 30 members from PV Shipyard (PetroVietNam Marine Shipyard), PetroVietNam Offshore Service (PTSC POS), MB bank, this event contributed to bring a cleaner environment, thereby and improve responsibility for environment protection to everyone.