After a 26-month fabrication period, PV Shipyard announced its successful load-out of the first “fabricated in Vietnam” 90 m jack-up rig. The rig will weigh almost 12,000 tons when fully finished, in which 9,685 tons is of structural materials, 950 tons of piping system and 1,748 tons of electrical, electronic devices. The rig has been 85% towards completion and currently weighs 9,400 tons.
On September 5, the rig was first loaded by hydraulic jack system to a barge and transported to sea 4 km off the shore with the support of towing tugs. The jack-up then was successfully towed back to the fabrication yard for some final work before handed over to Petrovietnam, the owner of the project in 2012.
The load-out of the jack-up rig stays among toughest tasks of the project. The task encountered plenty of difficulty at first. Yet, PV Shipyards staffs and workers managed to overcome with greatest effort. That PV Shipyard accomplished the load-out marks a highlight in the national rig-building industry. This also demonstrates a positive growth of a young and skillful workforce who will definitely contribute to the industrial advancement of the nation.
PV Shipyard is an international standard company specializing in construction, conversion and repair of diversified types of mobile offshore drilling units and marine facilities including jack-up, semi-submersible. The product chain also extends to a wide range of complex offshore structures including CPP, topside, modules, etc.